
Author's Pen Name | Hinata Boque

Philippine Science High School

National Competetive Exam And The Premiere High School

Philippine Science High School is one of the most prestigious high schools in the Philippines because it teaches advanced science and math to its students and it also caters to the students’ interest, especially in science and math. Being able to study in a science high school is already a privilege in its own. Not everyone is able to study in Philippine Science High School because you will only be allowed if you passed the National Competitive Examination. Over a thousand student take the National Competitive Examination each year but, only the top 120 passers is taken by Central Luzon Campus. It is really competitive to get in this high school because Philippine Science High School is the best school out there.

Science High School will be able to help you for a bright future in the field of science and it will be able to expose you to different sciences all in preparation for your future. Science is needed nowadays; since we are in a science school, it will help us land science related jobs. Philippine Science High School is focuses on sciences but they also prioritize other subjects, because of this we can easily branch out to other jobs out there. The school can help us get recognized in fields which make much money. This school could help you build a path towards reaching your dreams.

Philippine Science High School has state-of-the-art scientific equipment and facilities to further advance your ambitions in the field of science. It has establishments like a Fabrication Laboratory and Science Laboratories equipped with high class equipment ready to aid you in your interest in science. Since the school is government funded, each classroom is fully furnished with materials for learning and studying and though it may not have air conditioning in its classrooms, it has fans for air circulation. Since the school is a public school, it loans each student appropriate textbooks. But, the library also has textbooks for advanced studying and reviewing for tests. Until now, Philippine Science is continuously building establishments to provide enough room so its students could enhance their interests in science.

Philippine Science High School can help you become more aware of the surrounding problems and help you solve them as well. They teach realistic solutions to the problems we face. The teachers make the most of every period to teach true-to-life situations in order to prepare you for the future because the future holds many surprises and you will never know what you will have to face as an adult. This school allows students to conduct activities that enhance their skills which could be useful for their future. Even though it is a science school, it does not leave out world problems in order to open our eyes to what we could help solve as future scientists.

Because of all the great things Philippine Science High School could provide, choosing it as a high school would not be so bad and it could also provide you with a community to belong in for the next six years of your life. Being a part of this community could affect you greatly as Philippine Science High School students are globally competitive as well. It also allows you to improve your talents and do sports. Philippine Science High School could open doors for your future and it could teach you to never give up on your dreams. The scholars of this school are truly able to reach their full potential because they could deeply understand their interests and increase their skill as well.

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